
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Here at Santa Margarita Community Church, we believe that being a disciple includes a “head” decision to follow Jesus, a “heart” transformation toward growth and maturity, and a “hands” involvement in service and outreach. We provide opportunities for all our congregants to be involved in spiritual mentorship, biblical teaching, and mid-week fellowship groups.

The Table

The Table groups are our midweek fellowship gatherings. In them we practice together what we do throughout the week in our own homes: reading and discussing scripure or a helpful book, prayer, and singing.  We often use this time to learn and practice new hymns or psalms for congregational worship on Sunday.

We encourage you to join the group closest to you. 
Table Groups:
Santa Margarita on Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 PM. At the Andros’ home.
North Atascadero on Monday from 5:30-7:30 PM. At the Hamman’s home. 
North Atascadero on Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 PM. At the Campbell’s home.
South Atascadero on Thursday from 6:30-8:00 PM. At the Bryson’s home (Group full).


Bible Study

Men's and women's bible studies meet weekly to dig deeply into the Word of God. We use a "manuscript" style study, which follows a pattern of Observation/Questioning/Interpretation/Application: We look closely at the text, ask questions about the text and, as we find answers, decide what the author was trying to communicate. Finally, we consider how the text informs our beliefs and shapes our lives. (Click here for a more in-depth description.) These studies look at the passage that will be preached on Sunday usually 1-3 weeks ahead of time.  Using a printed manuscript allows us to mark the text, helping us note repeated words, images and themes. 

Women: Tuesday 6:00 PM at the Chapel.
Women: Thursday 9:30 AM at the Chapel.
Men: Thursday 6:00 AM at the Chapel.
Men: Thursday 8:00 AM at the Chapel.

Sunday Education Hour

Sunday School takes place at 9:00am before our Sunday Lord's Day service so all can participate in the service afterwards:

Children 2nd-5th Grade: Children's Sunday school follows the Generations of Grace curriculum, which walks through a passage a week and teaches the whole Bible over the course of three years. 

6th Grade-Adult: This summer, adult groups will be studying Wisdom Literature. Sign up here.