The Table

The Table is our midweek all church gathering where we learn, train and practice becoming better at following Jesus Christ. This the place to begin if you want to be connected outside of Sunday morning. 

The evening begins with a common meal before our children learn the New City Catechsim, teaching tool helping us raise the next generation in faith. We sing together and learn to sing together better. If God said sing, we must sing well. Then we learn and pray around the table before we head home to our various tables around the community.

We will discuss, among other things:

Our desire is that this next session bears fruit in our entire congregation becoming a better disciples of Jesus Christ.

First session for fall of 2019 begins September 11, 5:45-7:30 in the SMCC Chapel. This Table includes trainging for children in the catechism and is perfect for families to attend together.

Home "Table Groups" meet Thursday nights starting Sept. 12.

  • 5:45 p.m. “Atascadero Table” at the Collins
  • 5:45 p.m. “South Atascadero Table” at the Jacobsma's

Contact the church office to sign up. (805) 438-5011